Owner reviews
Spike_6360's review(s)
Owner Reviews written by Spike_6360
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But its still been a disappointment
Bought this new in 2008. Have put 140K on it in 7 years. Standard failings that they denied for too long like the droopy visor and the leaky bottom of the engine. It also has a pretty harsh ride and a terribly clunky manual tranny that's hard to change and frequently causes resists being changed. Other than that it is reliable, economical and a pretty decent car.
BUT what a disappointment compared to our first Civic! A 1995 sedan that we bought new and still have. 275K of utterly trouble free motoring. It's still on its original clutch - unlike the 08 - and most of the exhaust is original. The original brakes lasted 150K and the manual tranny is still as smooth as silk. What an amazing car that has been. Other than a preventative timing chain replacement we've had no major work done... Ever! If only they still made the 95 Civic!
The 08 has been relatively that disappointing that we're replacing it with a Volkswagen.
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Awesome all round vehicle
Awesome vehicle. The thing has so much power it's like it's wagging its tail. I pull a 2500lb boat in summer and live in snowy/icy Red Deer. Fuel economy way better than you'd expect. Transmission responsive. Pulled the boat back from Maine to Alberta one year (yes 4500 km) and was gleefully roaring past 18 wheelers on small, narrow highways at speeds I daren't admit to. Real shame they no longer do a V6 Rav cos I'd like a new one after 140,000 km in 4 years.
Only gripes. Aux input for audio system doesn't work properly and costs $150 to replace (a common fault I believe) and the cruise control switch has failed and will cost $300 to fix. Sport suspension a bit much when my bad back is hurting (wished I'd got the limited model).
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