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2002 Chevrolet Cavalier

by Bear1980 on 03-16-2013
My car is awesome!
Chase, my Chevy (my friend named him!) is awesome. I love driving him, and he's incredibly reliable. A former roommate would borrow him when it snowed too much one winter since his car was not reliable at all!

I have slowly been teaching myself how to fix little things on him. The manual is incredibly easy to follow. My parents had a Cavalier when I was growing up, and I was the one who had to change the clocks when the time changed, and it was so easy to do.

I change my air filters, and I learned how to change the rear tail-lights recently. I'm not sure if I'll try the headlights, though, since I burned them out on my last car from touching them - but if I do decide to try it again, I can already tell it's going to be easy to access the bulbs. A colleague of mine has a truck of a different brand, and when he had to change his lights a few months back, he had to take apart the front of his vehicle!

Thanks to my parents having a Cavalier when I was growing up and getting my license, I think it will have to take something huge for me to NOT keep buying them, or, other Chevrolet vehicles.
Exterior Styling
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