Owner reviews
Vaxile's review(s)
Owner Reviews written by Vaxile
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Comfortable appliance
As the title says, it's a comfortable appliance. It's like a fridge, you never notice how reliable it has been until it's not working any more. It's not sporty, but comfy. It won't excite you to go on a Sunday drive, but it will get you to and back from work on a daily basis.
Very comfortable if you stick to the stock 15' or 16' wheels.
Performance: It's slow, but has a punch when you want to, even though it tells you it's not happy being pushed.
Fuel economy: I get 7 l/100km highway and 10l/100km in the city.
Interior design: No rattles and is better than the Gen 6 IMO.
Exterior design: Also better than the Gen 6 IMO.
Reliability: It's a Camry so the best or on top.
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