Owner reviews
UncivilFire's review(s)
Owner Reviews written by UncivilFire
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Low price
Had 2 Cavaliers over the years, quite cheap, better feeling on test drive than other low-price cars (Accent, Echo, Neon, etc.). After using those for 4-5 years, I don't regret my choice. It's cheap, not the best comfort, breaks often, but it's quite easy to get fixed and overall, you can rely on it. Cheap car, but perfect for a student.
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Had this car for 3 years now. High fuel demand for its category. Had some bad surprises. For example, rack (from rack and pinion) broke in half, luckily, I wan't going high speed cause I lost control of my two front wheels. Tried to find other people with this particular problem as my garage never saw that, onl found Mazda3 owners... Not to mention, as many already know, the rust on this model is a major issue.
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