Owner reviews
Augusto9150's review(s)
Owner Reviews written by Augusto9150
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I love this car!
I am a Mazda lover; I bought this from a friend for commute, and I was surprised with the performance of the car. Since it has manual transmission, you can have a very good control on fuel economy: you drive it smooth, you get 600+ Kms on a tank, you drive it sporty, you will get 500 Kms. The response is very quick and powerful, so it will fly when needed. The steering is the sharpest one I know; a little move to the steering wheel is more than enough to avoid a pothole. Very roomy, you would not believe how much stuff I had loaded on this car. The A/C is terrific, as well as the heater. It does not take long before you feel nice inside. Sound is great, and I listen to my CDs very loud when driving alone.
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